Our clients are our biggest supporters
Sporting Edge
Professional sporting teams looking to gain a competitive edge have turned to a health measurement tool developed in Newcastle.
Jenny Boucek, the head coach of the Seattle Storm professional women’s basketball team in the US, for the Seattle Storm, Boucek believes that as a health measurement “tool” it will translate to improved performance on the court.
I think it could really help a lot of people. If it’s helping athletes at that elite level, then it’s going to help everybody with their health.
Jenny Boucek, head coach of the Seattle Storm women’s pro basketball team
“It’s a fascinating tool,” “It has a lot of potential…. I think it could really help a lot of people. If it’s helping athletes at that elite level, then it’s going to help everybody with their health.”
Check out the full article from the Newcastle Herald here
Jenny BoucekSome Fancy Footwork
In Dec 2016 Balance Energy Health took a desperate phone call from a Wife, looking for answers that no one else could provide. They had tried everything. Her Husband recently had open heart surgery, and his skin had become unbearable. His job was on the line, he had moved out of home, because he was too hard to live with. His wife and children could no longer put up with his emotional and mental state, neither could he. His total health was compromised.
How could everyone have tried and failed. Doctors, dermatologists, chemist’s, potions and lotions were all tried and yet no relief was achieved. When we first saw these photos we realised we had an enormous challenge on our hands. The Reams System would again be tested. Could this be an insurmountable task?
The photos speak to the genius of Carey Ream, and the Zest Test and Mini Lab were up to the task.
Trust the numbers, Go by the Numbers.
The photos show the changes after only 7 weeks.
Michael - Nelson Bay, NSW
Compliments Central
“You’re looking very fit and healthy Ray. Any reason for it?” asked one of my workmates the other morning. It wasn’t the first time I had been asked.
I am a type 2 diabetic and tested for blood sugar and I began to see a pattern here too. Although I haven’t had the all clear by the doctor yet my blood sugar has returned to the normal range.
Since beginning the RBTI testing of myself many people have asked me about my energy and freshness. They had noticed a difference.
Drinking the right amount of water took us at least six weeks to get close. It isn’t a problem now and drinking water has become more enjoyable. I used to drink at least a can of soft drink a day and now I don’t drink any at all. I prefer the water.
I am still on my journey however my friend although living longer than predicted has died. I am still very sad however on reflection I realise that he was trying to focus on too many things rather than just getting the energy that getting the numbers right can bring.
I will continue as I feel far more energised than in the past and far healthier.
Many people want to know my secret and when I feel confident I will start to share how it is done. This is the beginning and I hope all who read my story will openly try using the numbers to see what is possible.
In the Zone
“I’ve been in “the Zone” with a lot of other things and tried a lots of things in my life. There’s been a lot of other stuff. This is the way of the future. Doctors will be confronted with this but there are some that are going to embrace it. There are some that are going to run from this.
It’s going to get better and who knows where this is going to go. I can feel it in my body. My work, (massage, Reiki Healing) is getting really interesting and so powerful. I actually feel I can take control of my own health now. I’m really excited, I love It!”
Frank - Townsville, QLDAmazing Results
Phillip there’s just no way I can describe how I’m feeling right now.
It’s just Wow!
I have my Life Force Back!
Kate - Lake Macquarie, NSWBALANCE
Your Health In Your Hands